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•Notes de tête : Bergamote, Poivre Rose, Élémi

•Notes de cœur : Encens, Labdanum, Absolu de Poivre Noir

•Notes de fond : Bois de Cèdre, Piment Rouge


The "extrait de musique" collection aims to describe with incense

the many sounds of the registers of the Great Organ of Notre-Dame

Cathedral in Paris.

The sixth new fragrance to be presented speaks synaesthetically of

the trumpet register, belonging to the reed family, one of the oldest

organ registers. The first documented attestation of this register

is found in a description of a large organ from the first century

B.C., placed in a gladiator arena.

Reed registers the sound due to the vibration of a tab (the reed)

on two walls.

Characterized by a particularly metallic and "scratchy" sound just

like real trumpets, they enrich and complement the instrument.

The cap, like the previous extrait de musique, faithfully reproduces

the stops of the registers of the Parisian Grand Organ.

Trompette 8 is enclosed like its predecessors inside an entirely

handmade wooden box, reminiscent of the wooden case of large pipe

organ soundboxes.


SKU : Vlmp70
165,00 €Prix
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