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•Notes de tête : Patchouli, Encens, Bois de cachemire, Bois de gaïac, Bois de santal

•Notes de cœur : Fleur d’oranger, Pin sylvestre, Clous de girofle, Lentisque, Amyris

•Notes de fond : Élémi, Orange douce, Cassis, Noix de muscade, Notes fumées, Feuilles de tabac

RELIQVIA (Extrait de parfum )

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  • I leave what remains…

    Relic is a term derived from Latin and it is mean “I leave”.

    The latin word “reliquiae” and the greek word “λείψανα” are similar , their general meaning is “What remains” and the phrase refers to the human body or to one of it’s part.

    With this word in the Christian context we refer to a part of the body of Christ or an object belonging to Christ, or to Mother of Christ or to the mortal remains of those who are recognized as martyrs or saints and, in general, to all obje

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